
Browse past news from OAS AG

OAS executive Kerstin Schwimmbeck is novice of the Bremen Ice Bet

Whether the Weser "geiht or steiht" has occupied the people of Bremen for almost 200 years now. Until now, the Bremen Ice Bet of 1829 was an exclusively male tradition. With OAS director Kerstin…
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OAS delivers hyper-convergent IT infrastructure for northern German port logistics company

We are supplying a hyper-convergent IT infrastructure solution for a long-established port logistics company in northern Germany. The concept includes redundant physical server units at different…
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Document management system DMSmaxx implemented for internationally successful tree nursery

For one of the largest tree nurseries in Europe we established the document management system DMSmaxx for the digitalisation of business transactions.
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OAS delivers IT security solution to protect against cyberattacks and extortion Trojans

For a North German industrial trading company with several European locations and more than 100 employees, we deliver a comprehensive IT security solution to effectively protect the IT infrastructure…
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Customised scale solution for weighing trough trailers

For a meat processing company from Westphalia, we are implementing a precisely fitting scale solution for the batch-oriented weighing of trough trailers. Our truck scale type EFL is integrated into an…
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OAS renews IT infrastructure of Lower Saxony energy supplier

OAS renews the IT infrastructure of a municipal energy supplier from Lower Saxony with approx. 15,000 private and commercial connections. The replacement of the server landscape includes the redesign…
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The more energy-intensive the processes, the greater the savings potential

OAS has been planning, realizing and modernizing production plants for many years. Currently, there are more and more inquiries how to optimize them in terms of energy. Philipp Katthöfer, Sales Plant…
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Where theory meets practice: dual studies at OAS

In order to develop tailor-made concepts for our customers in a wide range of industries, we always need a breath of fresh, dynamic air in our team. Joshua Böhm is one of them and the first dual…
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Truck scales and self-service terminals for gravel pit with bulk goods sale

For a medium-sized road construction and civil engineering company in northern Germany, we supply a truck scale with self-service terminals.
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Your contact to OAS AG

Are you interested in more information about OAS AG? Do you want to ask for a quotation? Do you have questions about one of our business segments? Or do you need support on your hardware, software, or infrastructure? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you!
